Your next issue of our Maui Deals & Steals newsletter will arrive the first week of September with new book-direct bargains from our advertisers. Mahalo for subscribing! Meanwhile, I wanted to tell you about my newest All About Maui blog:
Have you ever considered doing a volunteer activity while vacationing on Maui? Aside from the
satisfaction of doing a good deed, "voluntourism" (volunteer work by tourists) also has some great perks—a chance to see areas that are not usually open to visitors, experience "the real thing" beyond the usual tourist activities, work side-by-side with local residents (and gain their heartfelt appreciation), and create a unique vacation memory unlike any other! Take a homeless shelter dog out for an excursion…clean up ocean reefs…count whales or birds…hike into Haleakala or
other wilderness areas and remove invasive plants…there are lots of possibilities on Maui! Take a look at my newest blog for fun, interesting options for VOLUNTEERING ON VACATION IN MAUI.
And check out my other ALL ABOUT MAUI blogs for helpful tips when planning your next Maui trip. Here are just a few of the topics: