In light of the heartening development that housing has been secured for our beloved displaced Lahaina residents, we're encouraged by the news of the state's commitment to transition everyone from temporary hotel accommodations to more sustainable mid to long-term
solutions by July 1st!
Our island has struggled tremendously, with not only many lives lost but also a subsequent downturn in our economy as visitors, out of respect and empathy, kept their
distance. The ripple effect has been profound, with numerous businesses closing their doors, leaving many residents without work, and many families leaving the island in search for stability.
The message is clear: Maui needs you! Our island thrives on the vibrant energy of our visitors, and we're here welcoming you back with open arms. This summer, there are incredible deals on accommodations. Below are exclusive discounts from our advertisers who are offering deals to encourage travel back to Maui. Maui awaits—listen to the calling 🌺!
Safe Travels,
Tiffany Rose, Publisher, Maui Accommodations Guide